If you have just started to lose weight, you know how difficult it is! In fact, it seems to be more difficult than gaining weight. So why is it so difficult to lose these extra pounds? There are actually many reasons behind it.

First of all, it is hard to get rid of temptation, especially when it is available everywhere in the form of fast food restaurants, ice cream shops, etc. In fact, wherever we go, there are already a couple of junk food bars present. If you love junk foods then you would have a hard time avoiding them! The other reason is negativity.

Here is a fast weight loss tip, most obese people have a negative mindset. They think that they cannot accomplish anything in life until they lose weight. They also think that they would never be able to lose weight, especially when they see so many struggling obese adults all around! But you need to keep in mind that while it is possible to lose weight, you won’t be able to achieve that end unless you weed out the negative thoughts from your mind.

Yes, maybe you have tried all the fad diet pills and supplements out there, maybe you have wasted your money on an expensive weight loss gadget but are still unable to lose weight, but that is all part of life! If you didn’t fail to lose weight using those things you wouldn’t have known that they don’t work, right? And just because you failed to lose weight once or twice doesn’t mean that you will never be able to lose weight. Remember that there are many people who have successfully got rid of their fatty tummy and became slimmer!

The best way to weed out negativity from your life is by maintaining a weight loss journal.

Buy a journal or diary just for the purpose of weight loss. Note down every minute detail about the foods you are eating, and for every food you eat, note the time of eating as well as how you felt when eating that food. At first, it will seem very tedious and boring to you, but remember that you only need to do this for two weeks. Also remember that your goal at this time is not to lose weight, but just to know the reasons behind your frequent eating.

After two weeks, you will see a pattern. You will notice that more often than not, you treat food as a cure for your emotional problems. This is wrong! Food cannot give you any emotional satisfaction; it can do only one thing and that is to make you fat and fatter! So, it is time to remove the negative thoughts from your mind and replace them with the positive ones. The next time you find yourself thinking ‘I will never be able to lose weight’ discard that thought by saying ‘I WILL be able to lose weight’. Instead of thinking that ‘I won’t be able to get rid of my fat belly’, say ‘I WILL…’. You may find this funny but this one important change will bring positive results in your life.

Positive thinking begets positive results. No longer you will be afraid to workout or go on a diet, because you are confident that you will lose weight no matter what comes in your way!

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